Friday, October 16, 2009

Where Have You Been, My Passion

Time is really flying and I'm almost done with this chapter of my life. I decided I am in denial about leaving here! (That is my coping mechanism) I feel happy here, like I have life figured out and my feet finally on the ground. Sigh, my grandmother was right when she told me, "Atara, Africa will get into your heart and soul." O how it has!
News of the week:
I am sick, again! I went to dinner at a woman named Mama Karen's home. (people commonly refer the themselves in reference to their children as a sign of pride that they have kids) She is a very sweet woman who works in connection to Mahali. I went to her house for an early supper. I sat and talked with her husband about theological matters and our views of God, while Mama Karen cooked. As we sat and chatted I listened as Mama Karen slaughtered one of her chickens in the back room. Yes, that's right, I could here the squawks as she killed the thing for me! Then we ate and it was really good, unfortunately it made me sick. But their family is so kind and even sent me away with a bag of produce to take home.
This happened last week but Julia and I were in a matatu accident. I knew it was going to happen eventually, those guys drive like mad men! We were overtaking another vehicle but didn't get back on our side of the road quickly enough. So the oncoming car clipped the side of us. We skidded a bit and thankfully didn't overturn. I hit my head but I'm fine. Julia and I got out, a little shaken, and walked the rest of the way home. Trust me, it sounds more dramatic than it was. I thank God that his hand was protecting us.
This is Jules, her sister Jude, and mother. We went
over for lunch at her mother's home.

This is Julia and I looking oh so grown up at Sandra's dinner party

I decided to make a list of all the things I love, and don't really love all too much, about Kenya! Here it goes, I feel this will give you a view into my life here.

Things about Kenya that rock:

hiking volcanoes
chipatis (the Kenyan tortilla)
matatu (my means of transport) music
clubbing til dawn
amazing tailors
Jules! (and of course other friends)
chai (tea) all the time
the best weddings
Mahali Pa Watoto
not going to school
life is relaxing, unhurried, and peaceful

Things about Kenya that kinda suck:

lack of good ice cream
the roads
matatu accidents
power rationing and droughts
Jay (our stupid cat)
bug bites

Things I hate about Kenya:

skuma wiki (this cooked spinach stuff, so gross)

and here is a little post from a poem I wrote a few weeks ago. It captured what I was experiencing then.

Where have you gone
my inspiration, my muse
my heart, my soul, my will
Where have you been, my passion
I haven't been able to get the words out since you went away