Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finally in Kenya

Hello all!

I have arrived in Kenya safely. It was a looooong trip, 19 hours total fly time. Strangely enough I didn't watch one movie. I slept alot of it and had a wonderful playlist to keep me occupied. (Thanks Steve!) One my first flight across to London I sat next to an Israeli/ Hebrew woman named Lenora. We talked alot about Israel and her family and traveling. The actually flight was a little bumpy and I was holding on for dear life at one point.
London was amazing! Took the underground into downtown and saw Big Ben, the Thames, and Westminster Abbey. (Pretty good for only 3 hours.) I grabbed a cup of tea and headed back to the airport.

(My first view of Big Ben!)

The last leg of the trip I sat next to Erin, who is getting her masters in Anthropology. She was on her way to Darslum to study urban refugees.
Finally made it into Kenya and got through customs just fine. All my bags showed up, yeah God. And meet my Dad and Sue!!!!
Their home is beautiful and peaceful. Today we've been running around and getting a feel for the community. I'm pretty excited to be here and have already made some great connections. (One gentlemen that works in criminal justice for abused and trafficked children!) O, surprisingly it is sooo cold here! Apparently it is rainy season which would have been good to know while packing. I'm trying desperately to stay awake until tonight. Hopefully I can make it!


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