Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chocolate cake & Simplicity

I never know how to start my little write ups. I suppose I'm should write some deep insight but as of now I have none.
This week has been really good and (to my glee) pretty uneventful. We celebrated Julia's birthday!!! We had chocolate cake, which is a very special treat here. Kenyan cake is not sweet at all and they love to put bits of dried fruit in it, yuck.
The weather is quickly changing here. The coolness in the is quickly evaporating and heat is rolling in. I am not complaining, having missed all of my California summer, I crave the warmth. It however does bring the bugs, that I will complain about. They love to eat me alive, it's my sweet blood!
Nearing my return date home I have very mixed feelings. I have found my place here and that makes it hard to leave. I look forward to the one's I love but when I look past that I become concerned. Back to the books, back to the classes, back to work, back to stress.
Here I have found such peace. I woke the other morning and the sun was so bright and the air fresh. I felt I had never been happier than reading my book and enjoying my tea. Simplicity.

The kids were sent some lollipops from our Vineyard Church in Pomona.
The enjoyed them :)
Best story of the week. I was talking to Agnus (our house help), trying to figure out here last name. So I asked her, "Agnus, what is your family name?" My question was answered with a blank stare, she doesn't speak very much English. So to further explain I gave her example, "Ok, ok, Atara...Brown... Agnus...What?" Still looking a bit unsure she stammered, "Agnus......Black!"
Hahahahahhaha o Agie, she thought I was referring to the color of my skin. Miscommunications are great.


  1. Its like that in Oxnard. Sun bright, Air fresh. You should move to Oxnard when you come back.
